Topics: Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, home sleep test
We spend one-third of our lives sleeping. This factor alone should be enough to explain the necessity of rest in our lives. A good night’s sleep is as vital as food, water, or breathing. It recharges your body and gives it enough time to heal.
Sleep deprivation makes you feel tired and exhausted in the short term, while in the long term, it can result in serious health complications like type-2 diabetes, heart problems, depression, anxiety, and stroke. This is why it is necessary to treat the condition as soon as possible. But for that, first, you need to identify the underlying causes behind the condition.
So, this World Sleep Day, take a step towards becoming aware of sleep-related problems by reading about the possible reasons for sleep deprivation. Here you go!
Reasons that lead to sleep-deprivation
Resting well is necessary for the well-being of your mind and body. Some reasons that can be held responsible for making you toss and turn in your bed every night include:
1. Your Eating Habits
Your eating habits play an essential role in determining whether you sleep well at night. Consuming some food items can make it harder for you to doze off and cause restlessness. These include:
You immediately think of coffee when you feel tired and want to recharge your brain and body. It is so because caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, making you more alert. Thus, people who are about to go to bed are recommended to refrain from having caffeinated items like soda or coffee as it can keep you up for hours.
Spicy Foods
You should keep away from consuming spicy food at dinner as it can cause indigestion and worsen signs like heartburn or acid reflux. As you lie on your bed waiting for sleep, the acid can travel to the esophagus and cause irritation. This can lead to sleep disturbances.
Fatty Foods
Consuming fatty foods like fried chicken and meats can contribute to poor sleep quality. A study conducted in 2016 consisting of 26 participants showed that people who consume more saturated fats have lighter and less restorative sleep. Such individuals are prone to sleep arousals and slow-wave sleep.
2. Sleep disorders
Many people cannot rest well at night because of sleep disorders. Some of these problems prevent you from falling asleep at night, while others make you wake up several times in between your slumber. Some examples of these are:
People with sleep disorders like Insomnia face difficulty falling or staying asleep. It may result from life stressors (like workload, job loss, death of someone, or moving), disease, physical discomfort, or environmental factors. Therefore, the issue must be treated early as it can cause fatigue, sleepiness, mood swings, and accidents at work.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing problem where the inhaling and exhaling process is hindered due to obstruction in the airway. Patients suffering from this issue show symptoms like snoring, daytime sleepiness, restlessness during sleep, and trouble concentrating. For diagnosing whether or not you have sleep apnea, you can undergo a home sleep test from the comfort of your home.
Restless legs syndrome
Those suffering from this problem experience an intense and irresistible urge to move their legs. The sensation happens when you lie down on your bed or sit at one place for a prolonged period, like while driving or at the theatre. The issue causes daytime sleepiness, concentration problems, or irritability.
3. Your environment
If you do not feel comfortable and cozy in your room, you will not rest well. So, you must avoid bright light and loud noise as it can make it hard for you to reach REM sleep. This is not ideal as it can prevent your mind and body from unwinding.
Sleep experts suggest that bright lighting can suppress melatonin production in your body, a hormone that regulates sleep. To correct this issue, people are recommended to put down their phones and laptops at least an hour before going to bed. Also, you should get thick and dark curtains if light from the street enters your room.
If you are resting in a room that is too hot or too cold, you are likely to stay up at night. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature. Studies suggest that setting your thermostat between 60 and 68 degrees is ideal. But, since each person is different, you should set a comfortable temperature as per your need.
Creating a cozy sleep environment also includes setting up your bed. If you are sleeping on a lumpy mattress, it will leave you with a sore back. To make this right, you should invest in a high-quality mattress as well as some comfortable pillows and plush blankets. Doing so will contribute to a good night’s sleep.
Those who cannot rest well wake up feeling drowsy and disturbed the next day. There can be several reasons for this, like poor sleep environment, bad eating habits, and sleep disorders. Such people are recommended to treat sleep-related problems, turn off sounds and lights, and eat light and healthy food for resting well.