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Sleep Apnea Stories: Real life Experiences | ResMed India

Written by ResMed India | Jun 13, 2024 5:51:00 AM

34 million people in India suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), out of which 14% are men and 12% women. While their causes, symptoms, and diagnosis may differ, their treatment remains the same- CPAP therapy. This method has brought positive results and better quality sleep for several OSA patients, in India and around the world.

Here’s taking a look at some personal stories of patients diagnosed with OSA, and understanding how CPAP therapy helped improve their quality of sleep.


I Had Severe Sleep Apnea for 30 Years - Amit Sen

Amit had sleep apnea for almost 30 years before his room partner, also a doctor, recognized it during an office trip 8 years ago. He used to snore heavily, wake up in the middle of the night with a jerk, and was often requested to try and manage his snoring as that kept his room partner and co-passengers awake.

Detection of sleep apnea, followed by the CPAP therapy proved to be a life changing discovery for him. And he no longer has problems,  He has no more problems, and is more energetic throughout the day. The treatment, and the equipment, he claims, has changed his life.


I’m Full of Energy and No Longer Snoring - Neville Fernandes

Neville’s wife often complained about his snoring habit. But he would ignore her complaints until a friend mentioned the same symptoms, and how he discovered it to be sleep apnea. Neville got the sleep test done, and was diagnosed with sleep apnea as well.

Apart from heavy snoring, Neville’s sleep apnea symptoms also included daytime sleepiness, tiredness and fatigue. But since being on CPAP therapy, the symptoms are gone! He wakes up in the morning full of energy and vitality. And his wife sleeps much better now, since he no longer snores.


CPAP Therapy Changed My Life for the Better - Anjana

Anjana discovered her sleep apnea because her husband used to wake up at night disturbed by her snoring. Taking the sleep test helped in the diagnosis, and post that she started using the CPAP device.

CPAP therapy brought a huge difference in her life. She was able to sleep uninterrupted for over six hours every night , and that kept her active throughout the next day. She is now more energetic and no longer feels exhausted towards the evening.


Sleep Apnea Treatment Success Stories from Around the World

Now you know how the CPAP therapy has helped numerous apnea patients move from poor sleep to a better quality of sleep. Using it will give you the best sleep you have had in a long time. If you are still not sure, take ResMed’s CPAP Trial for 2-weeks before starting the CPAP therapy, and see for yourself how effective it is.